Capture the Magic of Learning in the Best Frame

"When I wrote my book on Depth of Knowledge, my goal was to show how the DOK level can be used to tier instruction and to create DOK learning targets that specify the mental processing students must perform. Jennifer's work with learning progressions shows how this can be accomplished in a concrete and strategic manner."
-Erik Francis, Solution Tree Author and Associate
Jennifer was very responsive when working with our inquiry group. She is able to tailor the learning to our specific needs so that all team members have an entry point into the learning. We look forward to continuing our work with her.
-Denise Spencer-Dahl
District Teaching and Learning Team Elementary Support Teacher, Qualicum, BC
"Jen was consistently innovative, responsive, and engaging in her work with our team. Working with her has directly supported our teachers to craft learning progressions that impact students’ learning and ownership. We really appreciate her willingness to connect on a flexible schedule."
Jonathan Brooks
Numeracy and Science Teacher Coordinator
School District 8 Kootenay Lake
Jen has developed a method of assessment that is individualized, inclusive, and meaningful. She is incredibly passionate about the learning process, understands teacher- learner relationships, and involves the student in this assessment process. I am an administrator. I have been searching for a school-wide assessment method that can be utilized as a snapshot/profiling system to comprehend and evaulate school-wide student growth, curriculum delivery, and personalized planning. Jen's learning progressions and learning ladders are exactly what I have been searching for. She has mastered a document that identifies and communicates the level of knowledge for all learners which will result in deeper curriculum planning and accountability for learning.
Julia Mason
St. Michael's Catholic School
Trail, BC
“I always feel inspired and supported after conversations with Jennifer. She has a brilliant assessment mind and has the ability to turn big ideas and theories into practical, usable systems. I am continually amazed by her knowledge, wisdom and experience with making assessment tangible. I recently worked with her to develop some learning progressions for my secondary classroom, and it was the first time the new assessment practices started to really make sense for me. She understands how to make practical assessment tools because she ‘walks the talk’ in her own classroom practice, unlike most consultants and policy makers who are so far removed. I keep asking her when she is going to work for the Ministry of Education. We need her expertise there!”
-Kristin Visscher, Secondary Teacher, Delta, BC
Assessment is a very complex aspect of teaching and as such presents many challenges to preservice teachers. In my role as a university professor, I have used Jennifer Moroz's resources in my teaching to facilitate my students' understanding and application of how to assess and curate portfolios of students' work. Their feedback has been very positive. Jennifer has also been very generous with her resources and time. Her more recent work on learning ladders is also very exciting to me and my students.
-Dr. Ana Vieira
Vancouver Island University